
Dr. Andrea Di GIuliano

Master Degree in Chemical Engineering summa cum laude at University of L’Aquila (2013); co-tutelle Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of L’Aquila and in Chemistry from University of Strasbourg (2017), in the framework of European research project ASCENT (FP7 g. a. n° 608512), concerning sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming. Post-doc at University of L’Aquila (2017-2019), continuing the research of ASCENT. Research fellow “RTD tip. a” (2019-2022) at University of L’Aquila, involved in European research projects LIG2LIQ (RFCS g. a. n° 796585), CLARA (Horizon2020 g. a. n° 817841), and BLAZE (Horizon2020 g. a. 815284) concerning biomass, lignite, and solid waste gasification or chemical looping gasification. Assistant Professor “RTD tip. b” at University of L’Aquila since January 2023. Lecturer of the "Industrial Bioprocesses" and "Green Engineering and Catalytic Processes" courses for the Master degree in Chemical Engineering at University of L'Aquila. Subjects of interest: (i) synthesis, characterization, experimental testing and modeling of catalyst/sorbent materials (sorption-enhancement); (ii) pyrolysis and gasification of biomasses, lignite, and solid wastes; (iii) experiments and modeling on the catalytic steam reforming of tars for syngas cleaning; (iv) fluid-dynamic characterization of granular solids for fluidized-bed reactors; (v) catalytic production of green diesel.